Welcome to

We’re delighted you have chosen Sentemeter for your organisation!

There will be 3 stages in your journey:
- Preparing
- Launching
- Sustaining
Data Preparation
To get started, you will need to prepare and upload your staff data such as name, direct manager, job title. This allows us to set up profiles, generate algorithms and build your analytics dashboards.
Note: There are 6 data fields that are required to be completed and several others that are optional. Don’t worry, the optional data can be completed later and it’s mainly to support wider and deeper analysis of your data.
Download the input file from here
Data Upload
Once you have populated your data file, you must upload it into the database via the link below.
Upon upload, user Profiles will be generated, passwords assigned and your analytics dashboards created.
Note: You should allow 48 hours for this latter process to be completed. You will be notified by email when the set up is complete.
Sentemeter is easy to implement.
Here is some guidance that will help you optimise participation and your success.
Introduce Sentemeter
Introduce Sentemeter to leaders in advance of your launch and emphasize that it is primarily a system designed to benefit and enable all employees by giving each one a voice and a tool in to directly bring about positive change.
Note: Explain how Sentemeter works and show the Intro Video
Roll Out
Set a timetable and roll out an implementation in cohorts, progressively from the top of the organisation.
Note: Track participation on your interactive Participation Dashboard and only roll out to successive cohorts when the previous group is 90%+ on board.

It only takes a few minutes to on-board participants. Here are the 7 simple steps.
Take a look at the user demo video here.
Nurture and Grow
Communicate the roll out progress and celebrate success.
Encourage managers to send Sentegrams to their staff so they get a positive message to start their Sentemeter journey.
Note: Ensure all profile pictures uploaded are clear and recognizable. Name to face recognition is another benefit of Sentemeter, especially for new starters
Sentemeter is engaging right from the start. But to maximise the benefit, engagement levels must be maintained.
Below are some simple tips to sustain the launch levels.
Leadership must encourage and report regularly on participation levels.
Note: It’s a great way for management to convey to staff how important workplace culture is to the organization.
Set participation “soft” objectives for managers and reward their teams with their success.
Give recognition to super-users – but reward the team, not the individual.
Adopt Sentemoments at the start of each team meeting. In these Sentemoments, staff are asked to give some sentemeter feedback to colleagues and send a Sentegram.
Introduce fun initiatives such as Woohoo Wednesday where colleagues are challenged to reach their daily feedback maximum and share the screenshot of the Woohoo Screen